The Religious Exploration program is filled with children/youth of many ages. We believe that by learning and sharing our different life journeys, we are modeling what it means to be in community. As part of this experience, we offer multi-age groupings where we share, learn, and create together. We also have dedicated spaces for the very young in our nursery.
The RE program is filled with children/youth of many ages. We believe that by learning and sharing our different life journeys, we are modeling what it means to be in community. As part of this experience, we offer multi-age groupings where we share, learn, and create together. We also have dedicated spaces for the very young in our nursery.
From 10:00-10:55am, we offer RE classes for various ages. Ms. Kat & Ms. Cassie lead our children, ages 5-12, in the William Ellery Channing room. The youth group, ages 13-18, led by Mr. Tom meet in the Susan B. Anthony for open social time, and Ms. Niks offers family support and care for babies and young ones up to age 4 in the Ralph Waldo Emerson room. Adult RE takes place in the Clara Barton & Florence Nightingale rooms with a rotation of facilitators.
During the 11am worship service, all children join with the congregation in the sanctuary, unless they are already in the nursery. Children will be invited to the front carpet to listen to the Time for All Ages. After the Story, the children will be sung out to activities, which take place in the same classroom for their age group during RE. The RE Staff will help guide the children as they make their way to their programs. Note, the youth group formally meets until 1pm.
During the Worship services, your child is always welcome to remain with you in the sanctuary. In the back of the room, we have our VIP (Very Inquisitive Persons) Zone, with a table set with quiet activities and a carpeted area for families with babies and toddlers to enjoy. We ask that parents and caregivers remain close by their children who are participating in the VIP Zone.
Regarding children who are participating in the Religious Exploration classes, they must be picked up by their parents/caregivers after 1st hour programming and after the worship service is over at noon. The facilitators may supervise these children on the playground for up to 10 minutes after classes let out (weather permitting). Parents are responsible for their child’s safety, except for the time during childcare or the RE Programs.
Sick Policy:
If your child exhibits any sign of illness within 24 hours before attending class, please DO NOT bring them to class that day. Signs of illness include but are not limited to cough, cold, upset stomach, diarrhea, rash, fever, sore throat, earache, yellow or green drainage, nausea/vomiting, red watery eyes with yellow or cloudy drainage.
Multigenerational Services
Several of our Sunday services each year are multigenerational, designed to fully engage both children and adults. These services are often arranged around holidays, and can include dance, music, skits and readings. Children often participate in presenting or even leading these services. On most multigenerational Sundays, there are no RE classes. However, the nursery is always open and child care, up to age 5, is provided during the worship service.
Our multigenerational services include, but are not limited to:
First Sunday after Labor Day in September- Water Communion
Sunday after Thanksgiving
Sundays during Winter Holidays Break
Easter Sunday
First Sunday in May – Flower Communion